Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Brandon had a truck while we were dating, and he has always talked about getting one again "when we're rich". On Sunday we had a conversation with Brandon's dad that went kind of like this.

Me: getting a big truck would be stupid, if we have a bunch of kids.
Brandon and his dad: TRUCKS ARE NEVER STUPID. You can tow stuff.
Me: We can just get a suburban. What are you towing, if we can't tow our kids?
Dave: What ever you want.
Me: We don't have anything to tow, and people will constantly be asking us to help them move.
Brandon: Exactly.
Me: It's stupid to have a car that all your kids don't fit into.
Dave: You can tow a little camping trailer
Brandon and I (in unison): We're not buying a trailer.

That was the end of the conversation. Sorry Dave, your son married himself a "city girl"

Our suburban will pull our boat just fine, thank you.


Jonathan and Sarah said...

hahah that is great! too bad jon has a job that he needs a truck for.... stupid construction!

Chad and Nicole said...

You get the crew cabs and they can hold up to 6 people. How many kids are you guys planning on having?!?

Holli Fuhriman said...

Thats funny!

Booya Grandma said...

Despie my city slicker origins. I am going to side with the truckers here. Trucks are useful. Yes, if you have kids you will need a van or a suburban. But if brandon wants the other car to be a truck then buy a truck. The loss in gas milleage is worth the value of acually liking your car.

Greg and Diana said...

Oh Bethany...I was once naive as you are as to the greatness of large trucks, then I married a man who had one. We have been through a few cars, but that truck will NEVER be traded in or sold. I don't know how I ever lived without owning a truck!! Granted, we have 3 cars now because we refuse to get rid of it, but 2 of the 3 cars we have paid off so it's not like we're paying multiple car payments.

Both Greg and I also insisted on an SUV when the talk of carting around the children and towing stuff came up...and swore up and down that we would NEVER own a minivan....and then we stumbled upon the greatness that is the Honda Odyssey. Why anyone would own an SUV is beyond me when there is this van around!! It is so practical with kids and large items!!

Oh, and Greg has been pricing trailers for a few years...I thought he was nuts and couldn't understand why...then, much like the idea of having a truck and a minivan, I realized the wonderfulness that a trailer can use it to move, but if someone asks for help and you don't want to lend your goods you just say it's full right can use it for traveling to haul luggage, for home projects, to move things you don't want inside your car, etc.

Sorry, but I was much like you...then I was converted....just wait, you will join the truck loving, minivan driving, trailer hauling side eventually...and I will laugh when you do =)

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