Thursday, June 12, 2008


Does anyone know.. is that how you spell woo who? I have never been able to think of a better way to spell it. :-)

Well, here's my wooo whoo anyway. I have been advertising a little bit and I have 2 wedding tentatively booked (which means that I am just waiting for their deposit in the mail). Both of the couples will also be doing their engagement pictures with me this upcoming month. The wedding aren't until the fall. However, there are 2 other Brides I have been in contact with who are getting married in August (cross your fingers for me) and one getting married in January. Oh, it is just so exciting for me! So today, because I have been meaning to, I made business cards! They take three weeks to get to me :-( But, it is still wildly exciting. Also there is a confirm the date card thing.. I don't know what to call it :-P These are easier because I just have them printed (like pictures) at Walmart. Check it out!It's a little blurry because I had to take it off the website, but you get the idea. The website was pretty cool actually, I got like 250 for a total of 12 bucks after shipping and everything, and I got to design it myself.
These I did on my own just using a photo editing program (kind of like photoshop).. how I wish I could afford photoshop :-) Basically this is what the bride (or groom, but it's mostly brides that I talk to; you understand ladies) gets back with a receipt once I have gotten the deposit.

You know you a few years now, I have been thinking about doing all of this, and I have been a little embarrassed. I'm always afraid that I'm not good enough, and ever time I go to take someone's pictures, I am a nervous. But as it turns out, I am always very happy with my finished product. I like to pretend I'm good enough that people would actually want to pay for it. Anyways, so right before Nelson's session we bought a new camera, with a kind of interesting plan. We have one year with no payments and no interest, so we paid nothing. I really didn't feel anyone would take me seriously with out some kind of real equipment. I mean, I wouldn't. As the I do weddings, engagements, family...etc and I make money, the money goes straight to pay off the camera. If I haven't paid it off by the time it's due in full, I have to sell it :-( So this little deal that Brandon and I maid forces me out of comfort zone to make some money. AND, I am glad to be pushed, because this is so exciting for me! I forgot I didn't tell you guys here's my new camera. It's not super fancy, but it's nice, and I pretty much love it. You wouldn't believe what you can spend on a camera. Mine's a little different looking, it has a little bit of silver on it. Anyway.. it is all super exciting, and I was a little hesitant to put this all up, but this is the really neat stuff that is going on in my life right now, and that is what a blog is for right?


rachel v. said...

I am so jealous.
Do you know how long I have been wanting a cannon rebel?
I want to be you, and become a really great photographer. I am once again convinced that we are soul-cousins. This has proven it.
thats really exciting! and I'm thrilled that your little business is starting off so well! Go you go you! love you :)

Elena said...

Hey Bethany, looks like you get to keep busy with fun stuff now that you are done with school! Your photography business sounds so cool and your pics are great! Oh and Chandler is adorable! Watch out when he really starts walking though because then there is no containing him!

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