Thursday, February 5, 2009

I almost forgot!


Last Thursday my goal was to drink more water. I made it every day except fast Sunday :) I consider it success. Anyone make it with me? Personally, I think I should have called it see how many times I have to pee week.

This week, it's going to be easier.. woo whoo!

My goal: Make my bed everyday. Reminds me of when I was little

Easy right? Join me. :-)


Perkes Family said...

This could be Throwdown Thursdays!
Congrats on the water, I am only good at drinking a lot when I am nursing, it is so hard.

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Bethany...I would join you, i started to try last week, but I am 100% against making my bed! I dont know why but even when i was a kid i HATED doing it... I actually hate the feeling of getting in a bed that is made. Im weird... but ill stay tuned for next week! good luck! I think my goal this week is to not let there be dishes in my sink!

The King's said...

You go girl!!! By the way I read your comment on my blog! You need to post about it now and I promise I will get you a prize :)!!!

Megan said...

I did not keep track how much water I drank but intentionally drank more. One day I was really hungry but it wasn't lunch yet and instead of binge on something I though of your blog post and drank 24 oz of water instead.

Liz Johnston said...

I'm making my bed thanks for the challenge.. I mean yeah I always do that.. Right?

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Try setting a timer so that you take a drink every hour. Or try dinking a glass when you first wake up and then a two cup with each meal. That way you get your water in well before you go to bed and you sleep better (LA weightloss tips).

Shurtliff Family said...

Fun Bethany... using the restroom all the time! It rings a familiar bell like pregnancy! I'm glad my bladder is back to normal, Hehehe.

I'm going to join in these challeneges (the ones I like that is) ;) I'm excited to see how it goes for you because some of things that seem so small can be the hardest do and remember. Good luck girlie!

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