Sunday, February 22, 2009

"I miss that"

I think we've all been here....

Yesterday Chandler moved into his big boy bed. It was an inevitable move, but we had been postponing it; mainly because we're not ready. Nap time didn't go so well yesterday, but he slept great last night, and just went down for his second nap in his big boy bed with out a word.

Everyone, for my entire life, has been telling me life goes fast. There seem to be times in life where things move slowly. When you're 15 and a half and want to go to prom, or you have 2 months of school left until you graduate, or even when you were 5 and there was a field trip next Thursday. But then when you're finally 16 you realize it really wasn't so long; last Thursday came and went too quickly.

Then one day I had a baby and I can't seem to hold on to a moment for anything. I often complain about still being poor students, but last night I realized if I wish away these poor student moments, with them goes Chandler's toddler years. He was born, and he was soo tiny. And then he started growning.. it seemed kind of to go like this: tiny, lots of crying, a little bigger, 6 months, christmas, moving, a little bigger, vacation, a little bigger, one year, moving, a little bigger, walking, talking, forks, shoes, toys, fits, dirt, time outs, friends, toilets... all of a sudden he wasn't a baby anymore.

Really that's what this is all about. Chandler isn't a baby anymore. Everyone told me to not miss it, 'they grow up fast', so I tried... but it's gone. Part of me feels like I missed it. Brandon says, "don't worry we'll have another one." I feel like a little kid whose dog died when I say, "I don't want another one, I want Chandler back."

Of course it's just as important to not dwell on the past as it is to not dwell on the furture. An old lady at Walgreens said to me once, "I miss that." I thought the screaming, starving baby in my arms told the lady she was wrong, but I was the wrong, because I miss that.

Let's enjoy the present, come on.. it's going to be fun. :-)


The King's said...

It is so true, time just flies!!! The second goes by even faster. Daniel is already 4 months and it doesn't feel like it has been that long. We miss you guys and hope you are doing well!

Haley and Jon said...
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Haley and Jon said...

I know what you mean. Time flies by so fast. I have a problem wishing the time away. It is something I am always working on.

Megan said...

I totally agree. Enjoy the moment now!

Greg and Diana said...

I remember that makes you admit that you don't have a baby anymore, you have a full blown toddler and with it comes all the nose-picking, dirt eating and talking back you were never ready for!!

Enjoy it!! And there's no rush for another...I'm excited, but am going to miss having a completely independent child only!!

The Lunds said...

I've been feeling this too lately and it makes me sad. My question is how do you make him stay in bed? I need to move Treysen to a bed, but I have no idea how to make him stay...any suggestions?

Melissa said...

Bethany, your little boy is so cute and adorable. Even though I'm not a parent yet I've heard that children go up fast. Just remember the fun times. Take care!

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